Thursday 7 February 2013

My Infographic Resume

 Check out my infographic resume created via

Friday 1 February 2013

Generalist Reel

Zeina Masri Generalist Reel
from Zeina Masri on Vimeo.

Tailoring Reel

Zeina Masri Tailoring Reel
from Zeina Masri on Vimeo.

Monday 29 November 2010

Website Feedback 5 'Logo Adaptation'

I've been lucky enough to get some feedback about my logo: 'why don't you add the website URL to the logo?
I am in the process of implementing this feedback. So far the bottom one is my favourite. 
What do you think? Get in touch and let me know.

Website Feedback 4 'Website Stats'

My site hosts have this great feature in their control panel where they document all site activity and put the results in graphs so I can quickly see exactly what's going on. The data collected shows which country I'm getting hits from, and which month is most popular etc.

As you can see January and June are the most popular months. My theory is that it's when companies are most likely to be recruiting- on the calender its the beginning of the year and just after most graduation ceremonies.
So my advice to anyone looking for work would be to get their sites live just before those events for maximum exposure.

Website Feeback 3 'Advertising'

As some of you may have noticed, I sold space on my blog for ads. I had it reviewed and my request was successful. The ads are based around the blog topic, its a simple way to make a bit of money and I didn't really mind since its an external page from my main site. Speaking of which I also signed up to Google Adwords and yesterday saw the sponsored link for my site on the google homepage - yes I took a screen caption - who wouldn't check it out below. Fun times!

Website Feeback 2 'Domain Mailbox'

Another friend suggested that an email address with my URL would sound more professional. He said that there were two ways to do this:

'Either setup a real mailbox account in which case you will have to use your site to login and read emails. Alternatively, if you setup a forwarding address it would just redirect all mail to to your current hotmail account and you can still use hotmail to receive all your work emails'.

So my work address is now and I can check the account when I sign in to my general hotmail account. Top tip. thank you.